Keepin' It Simple

Ideas, musings, and suggestions about becoming healthier, more productive, and less stressed.

Success in 2023 by acting like a 3-year-old! emotional wellbeing new year personal growth perspective Jan 01, 2023

For many people, the New Year is a time of looking forward and making a decision to change for the better. The fact is, though, that far more people end up staying stuck than succeeding at making permanent, positive change. is how to make 2023 the best year yet: act like a 3-year-old.


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Do the next right thing addiction forgiveness personal growth recovery Oct 17, 2022

Having gotten sober in AA, I find that I have a lot of 12 Step cliches as part of my vocabulary. I often use them in my professional trainings and get grins or head nods of acknowledgment from other friends of Bill. I, also, get feedback from people unfamiliar with the rooms about how spot on, or wi...

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When your coaching emotional wellbeing personal growth perspective Sep 12, 2022

So, storytime. A few years ago, life was...interesting. There were some major communication/calendar issues with a corporate client that spanned the entire week which resulted in ongoing conversations with the owner. I had different technical glitches with each of the 6 webinars I conducted. I mis-c...

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Forgiveness emotional wellbeing personal growth perspective Aug 15, 2022

Many, many years ago, I heard the Dalai Lama talk about the power and necessity of living a life of forgiveness. It was a great idea, I thought, but not really relevant to me. After all, I am an incredibly forgiving person! I don't hold on to resentments or anything!

A few years later, while in cou...

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It is what it is... emotional wellbeing personal growth perspective Jul 18, 2022

A bit ago, I had the privilege of working with an internal support group at JPMorgan Chase. I had worked with this group before and was really looking forward to the session, even though it was a little bit out of my area of expertise. This group provides networking and support services for caregive...

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Anticipation and satisfaction - part 2 emotional wellbeing perspective Jun 06, 2022

I had some great questions come up from last month's topic of anticipation and satisfaction! So, I wanted to follow up this week with my answer.

The concept of living a life of anticipation and satisfaction is great, isn't it? And it sounds so simple: wake up in a good mood and go to bed patting yo...

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Anticipation and satisfaction - part 1 emotional wellbeing perspective May 09, 2022

This is a topic I bring up with potential clients: "Do you live a life of anticipation and satisfaction?" This means:

Do you wake up every day (or almost every day) with anticipation that you get to be YOU today?

Do you go to bed every night (or almost every night) with satisfaction that you were ...

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What's your problem? (And how to solve it!) emotional wellbeing personal growth perspective Apr 18, 2022

The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine about team dynamics and she was bemoaning the fact that managers and supervisors are supposed to be "effective problem solvers", but that so many people are never taught how to do it. And that people are, often, not given the training resources to lea...

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Why you should worry about your next relapse...especially if you're not an addict. addiction emotional wellbeing forgiveness personal growth recovery Mar 14, 2022

First off, I would like to apologize for the click-baity title. I chose it over my original idea ("About my relapse, and I what I'm going to do about it.") for a couple reasons.

The first reason is that I didn't want to freak people out by having them think I started drinking or binging again. Don'...

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Having it all? emotional wellbeing personal growth training Feb 07, 2022

A few months ago, I was doing a training and, as is often the case, I shared some details of my lifestyle: significant work travel, moving every six months for baseball, working on multiple business ventures, being a parent, etc. During a break, one of the participants approached me and said, "Tryin...

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Out with the old, in with the new! emotional wellbeing forgiveness new year Jan 03, 2022

A new year, a new opportunity for change. Often, however, we find ourselves making the same promises and resolutions year after year. Why? Our ability to move forward in life (whether it be toward specific goals, emotional health, and growth, or personal and professional development) is dependent up...

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Who I am coaching emotional wellbeing training Jan 01, 2022

I am an award-winning international speaker/trainer, psychotherapist, coach, consultant, and a huge fan of all things nap-related. For over 20 years, I have been working with individuals and corporate teams to improve their health, become more productive, and reduce their stress. Through my training...

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